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Bath County Airport | Hot Springs Airport

Runway 7

Mag Heading: 67°

Runway Slope: -49% down


Pattern: Left Traffic

Markings: Precision Instrument

Marking Condition: Fair

Lat & Long: N3756.8  W07950.5

Elevation: 3790.4 ft MSL

TCH: 45 ft AGL

Visual Guide Path: 3.00°

Displaced Threshold: No

Touchdown Zone: Yes

Touchdown Elevation: 3792.7 ft

Visual Guide Slope: 4 light PAPI

on RIGHT side of runway

RVV Equipment: No


Centerline Lights: No

Touchdown Lights: No

Runway Category: Other than a

utility runway w/a non precision

approach having visibility

minimums greater than 3/4 mile

Obstructions: GND

Marked: Lighted

Clearance Slope:

Obstruction Height: 32 ft AGL

Distance From Runway: 200 ft

Centerline Offset: 200 ft right of 


Runway 25

Mag Heading: 247°

Runway Slope: 49% up

Approach: ILS

Pattern: Left Traffic

Markings: Precision Instrument

Marking Condition: Fair

Lat & Long: N3757.3 W07949.5

Elevation: 3763.1 ft MSL

TCH: 56 ft AGL

Visual Guide Path: 3.00°

Displaced Threshold: No

Touchdown Zone: Yes

Touchdown Elevation: 3772.8 ft

Visual Guide Slope: 4 light PAPI

on LEFT side of runway

RVV Equipment: No


Centerline Lights: No

Touchdown Lights: No

Runway Category: Precision Instrument




Clearance Slope: 50:1

Obstruction Height:

Distance From Runway:

Centerline Offset:

Airport Information

Public Use Airport

Open 7 days a week

Tie down and overnight fees vary              
  depending on size of aircraft

Hanger space available - fees vary

Automated Weather Observation System

 Wifi Access

 Catering Available



 Transportation to and from the Homestead-

   Roanoke Limo: 800-288-1958/ 540-345-7710

 Lugar Taxi: 540-962-8469

Enterprise Car Rental:

  540-965-7698 or call the airport for assistance

  - Compact - $50 per day

  - Midsize - $55 per day

  - Fullsize - $57 per day





100LL: $4.90

Jet A: $4.25

Flight Planning

Sectional Map

Length: 5601 ft

Width: 100 ft

Surface: Asphalt - Good Condition

Edge Lights: High Intensity

Treatment: Porus Friction Course

Airport Identifier: HSP

Longitude/Latitude: 079-50-02.0200W/37-57-05.2000N-79.833894/37.951444

(Estimated) Elevation: 3793 ft / 1156.11 m

(Surveyed) Land:  3 nautical miles south of Hot Springs,VA

Location: Bath County, VA

Magnetic Variation: 08W (2000) â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

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